Emily Calby Series
"Stunning, captivating, heartbreaking but also heartwarming ..."
"I was biting my nails and crying ... My husband asked if I was okay!”
“[P]henomenally written … I felt like I was in the story."
"Like watching a super-thriller movie!"
"... one of the year’s most exciting series openers ..."
"More twists and turns than a rollercoaster."
"I NEED to know what happens next!"
"Had trouble putting it down to even get a glass of water."
"...gripping from the first page..."

This Week’s Favorite Amazon Review

This week we celebrate not only Independence Day, but this new Amazon review for Psycho-Tropics:As to whether I've "been toiling away on a new near-masterpiece," I've certainly been toiling away.  The first book in the Emily Calby Series, The Hiding Girl, will be out...

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