Emily Calby Series
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Legal Issues Facing Self-Published Fiction Writers

One advantage traditional publishers continue to have over self-publishers is access to legal counsel.  Self-published writers, here we’ll stick with fiction writers, need to be aware of and alert to potential legal issues their words can create.  That’s right.  This...

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Challenging the Stigma of Self-Publishing

As a novice literary publicist, I'm learning the term "self-published" still carries a stigma, even in an era where increasing numbers of reputable and established writers are making the decision to go straight to Amazon CreateSpace and Kindle, or similar services,...

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Writing the Perfect Book Blurb

By Dorian Box The book "blurb."  That elusive quest to capture 100,000 words and years of work in 100-150 words.  I've written blurbs for my nonfiction books and abstracts for numerous scholarly articles, but composing a blurb for my first novel, Psycho-Tropics,...

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