Emily Calby Series
"Stunning, captivating, heartbreaking but also heartwarming ..."
"I was biting my nails and crying ... My husband asked if I was okay!”
“[P]henomenally written … I felt like I was in the story."
"Like watching a super-thriller movie!"
"... one of the year’s most exciting series openers ..."
"More twists and turns than a rollercoaster."
"I NEED to know what happens next!"
"Had trouble putting it down to even get a glass of water."
"...gripping from the first page..."

My Cat the Editor Hates Exclamation Points

If you've read The Hiding Girl (Emily Calby Book 1), you know that one of twelve-year-old Emily's trademark traits is effervescence, albeit often feigned. Her internal thoughts on the subject: "Artificial sparkle. It works on almost everyone. The entire world...

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Check Out Crime Fiction Writer Andrew Diamond

Big shout-out to my friend Andrew Diamond, an award-winning author listed as a "Rising Talent" on this list of the 10 best crime fiction writers, which includes a few names you might have heard of (e.g., Elmore Leonard, Lee Child, Gillian Flynn, and John Grisham ...)....

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Song Lyrics in Fiction and the Fair Use Doctrine

By Dorian Box In a previous post, I briefly discussed the interaction between the “fair use” exception to the U.S. Copyright Act and the use of song snippets in works of fiction, but wanted to conduct a more in-depth legal analysis of the issue. The fair use exception...

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