Emily Calby Series
"Stunning, captivating, heartbreaking but also heartwarming ..."
"I was biting my nails and crying ... My husband asked if I was okay!”
“[P]henomenally written … I felt like I was in the story."
"Like watching a super-thriller movie!"
"... one of the year’s most exciting series openers ..."
"More twists and turns than a rollercoaster."
"I NEED to know what happens next!"
"Had trouble putting it down to even get a glass of water."
"...gripping from the first page..."

IndieReader Loves Funeral Daze

Thrilled by this advance review of Funeral Daze from IndieReader. Too much good stuff to summarize. Hope you'll check out the whole review, but here's their bottom line: "FUNERAL DAZE manages to be laugh-out-loud funny, heartwarmingly tender, and full of lively action...

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