Emily Calby Series
"Stunning, captivating, heartbreaking but also heartwarming ..."
"I was biting my nails and crying ... My husband asked if I was okay!”
“[P]henomenally written … I felt like I was in the story."
"Like watching a super-thriller movie!"
"... one of the year’s most exciting series openers ..."
"More twists and turns than a rollercoaster."
"I NEED to know what happens next!"
"Had trouble putting it down to even get a glass of water."
"...gripping from the first page..."

The Hiding Girl Wins 2021 IndieReader Discovery Award

Thrilled to receive the announcement that  The Hiding Girl (Emily Calby Book 1) placed second overall in the 2021 IndieReader Discovery Awards in Fiction. Here's the "verdict": Not an ordinary coming-of-age tale, THE HIDING GIRL (book 1 in the Emily Calby series)...

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Amazing “Fan Art” of The Hiding Girl

So cool to come across this amazing Illustrated Journaling artwork on Goodreads of my book, The Hiding Girl (Emily Calby Book 1), penned by Niki McNeil: Love it! From the pictures—Emily’s neck knife, her fake driver’s license, Lucas’s Mr. Good Lookin’ is Cookin’...

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