Happy to receive IndieReader’s advance review of The Girl in Cell 49B today! Not only did the reviewer give it 5 Stars and the “IR Seal of Approval”–both greatly appreciated–but she captured important aspects of the book as seen through the author’s (me) eyes. That’s not always case. Sometimes you can get great reviews in the sense of high ratings, but you’re left scratching your head, thinking, “That’s what they thought the highlights were?”

Check out the full review here. In the meantime, here’s are some excerpts:

“Emily is a brilliant character; she is the perfect balance of admirable and flawed. … The pacing of the story is top notch, and there are so many layers. Every scene is meaningful, which makes the book a true page turner. The Girl in Cell 49B is about more than courtroom drama and tackles heavy themes—Emily’s ongoing struggle with her mental health permeates the novel. … Her character continues to grow and mature in captivating ways and Box maintains his mastery of plot and pacing, and the series keeps diving deeper and deeper into important morals, messages, and motifs. … [S]tandout sequel from Dorian Box featuring a fierce female main character, a perfectly planned and paced plot, and a strong sense of theme.” — IndieReader (starred review and “IR Seal of Approval”)

Thank you, IndieReader! The Girl in Cell 49B (Emily Calby Book 2) will be available on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle on March 1. The Kindle version is currently available for preorder.


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